Marketwide numbers. Dollar volume of GSE business with breakouts for noncore categories (conforming jumbos, investor loans, seconds and cash-out refis). Includes volume and share for core GSE business. Quarterly data beginning 2016.
Marketwide numbers. Dollar volume of GSE business with breakouts for noncore categories (conforming jumbos, investor loans, seconds and cash-out refis). Includes volume and share for core GSE business. Quarterly and annual data.
Monthly dollar volume of single-family MBS issuance for each of the GSEs. Breakouts by purpose. Refinance share of total. Also presents average loan characteristics (loan size, LTV, FICO, DTI).
Monthly dollar volume of single-family MBS issuance for each of the GSEs. Breakouts by purpose. Refinance share of total. Also presents average loan characteristics (loan size, LTV, FICO, DTI).
Dollar volume of single-family MBS issuance by the GSEs. Breakouts for share by purpose, by channel, for first-time homebuyers, by top five sellers, and of jumbo. Fannie Mae data presented separately from Freddie Mac data. Quarterly data beginning 2014.
Dollar volume of single-family MBS issuance by the GSEs. Breakouts for share by purpose, by channel, for first-time homebuyers, by top five sellers, and of jumbo. Fannie Mae data presented separately from Freddie Mac data. Quarterly data beginning 2013.
Share of GSE sales by month for three loan types: high-balance, second-home and investor-property. Distributions by loan type provided for all lenders, banks and nonbanks for purchase loans and refis as well as in total. Also includes dollar volume by quarter for each loan type/lender type bucket.
Share of GSE sales by month for three loan types: high-balance, second-home and investor-property. Distributions by loan type provided for all lenders, banks and nonbanks for purchase loans and refis as well as in total. Also includes dollar volume by quarter for each loan type/lender type bucket.
Bill Pulte, nominee for FHFA director, and Jonathan McKernan, the nominee for CFPB director, detailed some of their plans.
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