Marketwide numbers. Dollar volume for purchase and refinance mortgages. Includes unpaid principal balance and average FICO score, debt-to-income and loan-to-value ratios for each loan purpose. Monthly numbers beginning 2022.
Marketwide numbers. Dollar volume for purchase and refinance mortgages. Includes unpaid principal balance and average FICO score, debt-to-income and loan-to-value ratios for each loan purpose. Monthly and annual numbers.
Breakdown of single-family mortgage pool characteristics for each of the GSEs, including volume by product type (FRM, ARM and refi) and data on characteristics (loan size, LTV, FICO). Includes MBS share for ARMs and refis. Quarterly data beginning 2013.
Breakdown of single-family mortgage pool characteristics for each of the GSEs, including volume by product type (FRM, ARM and refi) and data on characteristics (loan size, LTV, FICO). Includes MBS share for ARMs and refis. Quarterly data beginning 2013.
Comparison of average social density index scores and average social criteria index scores reported by each GSE per year. Includes scores for active pools and all pools as well as remaining principal balance for active pools.
Comparison of average social density index scores and average social criteria index scores reported by each GSE per year. Includes scores for active pools and all pools as well as remaining principal balance for active pools.
Average underwriting characteristics for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac MBS issuance. Includes average FICO score, debt-to-income ratio, and loan-to-value ratio by month for purchase loans, first-time buyers, and refinances. Also includes distribution by FICO bucket (620-699, 700-739, and 740 and up) by loan-to-value bucket (80 percent or less, 81 to 95, 95 to 97) by month for purchase loans, first-time buyers and refinances.
Average underwriting characteristics for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac MBS issuance. Includes average FICO score, debt-to-income ratio, and loan-to-value ratio by month for purchase loans, first-time buyers, and refinances. Also includes distribution by FICO bucket (620-699, 700-739, and 740 and up) by loan-to-value bucket (80 percent or less, 81 to 95, 95 to 97) by month for purchase loans, first-time buyers and refinances.