For Fannie, the most obvious change was a major expansion of the EHFP’s target audience. In its initial plan, the enterprise had focused almost exclusively on Black homebuyers.
Using this tool, investors can determine the volume of MBS that is liquid and available to trade on the TBA market. The data can be sorted by cohort, vintage, date and category.
In order to have a return on capital sufficient to attract private investors, the GSEs would have to charge g-fees of about 76 basis points, according to former Freddie CEO Don Layton.
Deciding whether the GSEs should use FICO or VantageScore or both turned out to be the easy part. The hard part is going to be the multiyear process of figuring out how to use the scores together.
A new request for information asks stakeholders whether expanding social bonds from multifamily to single-family will help or hurt borrowers and investors.
Digital assets specialist Silvergate Bank bolstered its liquidity with an FHLB advance after the implosion of crypto king FTX caused a run on the bank's deposits in the fourth quarter.