Although CFPB Director Rohit Chopra’s tenure so far has been unusually quiet on the mortgage front, industry attorneys and executives said other actions indicate there’s enforcement on the horizon.
The CFPB plans to launch dedicated units within its supervision and enforcement division to enhance detection of repeat offenders and to better hold them accountable.
The bureau announced changes to examiners’ procedures, saying it will now scrutinize all covered markets for discriminatory practices under the “unfairness” standards.
The DOJ is self-referring investigations and scrutinizing lenders’ HMDA loan application register data for redlining practices, according to industry attorneys.
For its part, the CFPB said it will take an “active leadership role” on the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Appraisal Subcommittee.
Rocket Mortgage, the nation’s largest overall lender and the very first participant in the pilot, said the examination process was an “overwhelming” and “exhausting” experience.
Smaller nonbanks don’t have the economies of scale to monitor how the CFPB might deviate from state interpretations of federal consumer mortgage rules and regulations, the Community Home Lenders Association said in a letter to the CFPB.
Senior staff from across federal agencies, including the CFPB, have criticized the Appraisal Foundation's proposed changes to professional appraisal practices for not adequately addressing discrimination in the appraisal process.
While industry trade groups want fewer companies and products to fall under the scope of the proposed small-business lending data collection rule, consumer advocates mostly want the opposite.