Loan sales to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae plummeted further in the second quarter as desperate lenders tried to boost volume by easing credit quality standards. (Includes one data chart.)
Although the nation’s job numbers look exceeding bright, all is not well with the mortgage industry where the job shedding machine is working overtime.
MCT and Freddie Mac experts discussed the strategies of managing MSR assets. While some firms are interested in the best financial deal they can get, others are focused on retaining clients.
Home prices depreciated in July; foreclosure starts near pre-pandemic levels in August; mortgage rate locks continued downward trend in August; applications for mortgages on second homes fall to pre-pandemic levels; Experian allowing renters to boost their credit scores.
Rising interest rates increased the fair value of banks’ MSRs in the second quarter but servicing for others was essentially flat. (Includes data chart.)
The Southfield, MI-based bank expects fixed-cost savings of roughly $3 million a year from using MortgagePath for originations and the vendor will be responsible for compliance issues.