Freddie Mac plans to launch a new servicing transfer tool within the next couple of weeks, part of a broader effort by the government-sponsored enterprises to enhance liquidity in mortgage servicing rights.
There was an increase in the volume of home loans lenders had to buy back from the government-sponsored enterprises in the first quarter of 2018, but repurchase activity remained subdued. [Includes two data charts.]
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae are relying more heavily on special rules that grant most of their single-family business qualified-mortgage status even if the debt-to-income ratio of the loan exceeds 43 percent. [Includes two data charts.]
Ditech Financial, the nation’s 12th largest servicer of home mortgages, is officially on the auction block and it comes at a time when several nonbanks are heading for the exit ramp. Now, the big question: Can Ditech be sold in a stock transaction or will it be an asset sale?
The faster processing times by so-called fintech lenders don’t result in riskier loans than production from traditional originators, according to an analysis published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.