Among other things, the proposed Mortgage Securities Cooperative would be the only issuer of government-backed MBS. The MSC would be governed on a one-member, one-vote basis.
The cost of borrowing for many homebuyers could rise as a consequence of the Senate’s newest housing finance reform legislation if it’s enacted as is, according to an analysis by Barclays. The bill, filed last week by Sens. Tim Johnson, D-SD, and Mike Crapo, R-ID, would replace Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac with a new mortgage-backed securities program for conventional mortgages that requires private investors to take the first 10 percent of losses. The Barclays analysis found...
Expect a long and winding legal road to resolution of investor lawsuits challenging the Treasury Department’s “net worth sweep” of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac earnings, warn legal experts. More than a dozen lawsuits filed against the government – including hedge funds Perry Capital and Fairholme Capital Management – are pending in federal district court in Washington, DC, and in the Court of Federal Claims. The shareholder plaintiffs allege that the Treasury’s change in the dividend structure of its preferred stock leaves the government-sponsored enterprises with no funds to pay dividends to junior shareholders. The complaints raise...
Lenders are discovering hidden gold in their mortgage servicing rights these days. But even with the run-up in values, many lenders are choosing to keep their servicing, some because it maintains relationships with customers who have additional valuable banking needs, and others to avoid the regulatory headaches associated with servicing transfers. Some lenders are taking a middle path, selling the asset but continuing to work the loans as subservicer. During a webinar sponsored by Inside Mortgage Finance this week, Mark Garland, president of MountainView Servicing in Denver, noted that there are far more sellers today than even one year ago. In the first three months of 2014, 36 deals went to auction with $98 billion in unpaid principal balance. That compares with the 13 deals ($146 billion) auctioned during the same period last year, although $100 billion of that was in one deal. “Despite strong demand and pricing levels, sellers are vetting...
Fannie and Freddie issued $44.6 billion of single-family MBS in February, a 5.1 percent decline from January and a stunning 62.0 percent drop for the first two months of 2014 when compared to the same period in 2013.
The government’s plan to wind down Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is wrongheaded and would result in lower housing prices, economic harm and higher unemployment. So says well-regarded bank analyst Richard Bove of Rafferty Capital Markets.
In return, FHFA's pending lawsuits will be dismissed with prejudice and Bank of America and its affiliates will be released from all securities law and fraud claims, as well as certain other claims related to the non-agency RMBS in dispute.
The agency debuted its scorecard in early March 2012 under then FHFA Acting Director Edward DeMarco as a means to implement in fuller detail the Finance Agency’s “strategic plan” for a post-Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac secondary market.