Fairholme Loves the GSEs, But No Help to Bottom Line, Not Yet
August 3, 2018
In a new semi-annual letter issued to shareholders this week, Fairholme Capital Management blamed the weak first-half performance of the Fairholme Fund on its investment in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac preferred shares, while telling investors the GSEs’ businesses are “stronger than ever.”The Fairholme Fund decreased in value by 8.49 percent in the first half of 2018, while the S&P gained 2.65 percent, according to the shareholder letter. The investment in Fannie/Freddie accounts for 16.6 percent of the Fairholme Fund’s net assets. Headed by investment banking veteran Bruce Berkowitz, Fairholme is betting heavily on a recent promise made by the Trump administration to end the almost 10-year-old conservatorships with the hope the two will reemerge as shareholder-owned companies.