Inside Mortgage Finance
A weekly "must read" for industry executives. Thoroughly covers regulatory, political, legislative and market issues in the residential mortgage business. Includes extensive, exclusive mortgage industry statistics and exclusive quarterly rankings of top originators, servicers and much more. Readers find coverage of the government-sponsored enterprises and private mortgage insurers as well as congressional and regulatory actions affecting the industry. Inside Mortgage Finance is published 48 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $1,575.
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Inside MBS & ABS
This weekly covers the secondary mortgage market, including mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities. Provides extensive data on all securities and rankings of issuers and underwriters. Includes definitive coverage of both the agency and non-agency markets including important accounting issues, controversies, top players and government programs. Inside MBS & ABS is published 48 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $2,385.
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Inside Nonconforming Markets
This biweekly is the leading source of news and data on non-agency residential mortgages. Explores market trends and business strategies, regulatory developments and activity among top players. Covers all aspects from securitization to loss-mitigation efforts, including portfolio loans and alternative products—jumbo, expanded credit, Alt A, higher-priced mortgages, second liens and distressed assets. Provides exclusive data and rankings of the top originators, servicers and much more. Inside Nonconforming Markets is published 25 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $1,068.
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Inside the CFPB
This biweekly keeps executives on top of the rapidly evolving legal and regulatory issues from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as well as state regulators. Covers fair lending, consumer protection, RESPA, TILA, HMDA, Dodd-Frank Act, and the outcomes of lawsuits. Readers find news, analysis and tips to help understand CFPB's demands and stay in compliance. Inside the CFPB is published 25 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $765.
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Inside The GSEs
This biweekly covers the housing-related government-sponsored enterprises with experienced, expert analysis. As a subscriber you’ll know the latest on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Federal Home Loan Banks' finances, products, their critics and supporters, and news on potential reform, controversies and regulatory activities. Inside The GSEs is published 25 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $1,045.
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Inside Mortgage Trends
This unique biweekly publication focuses exclusively on the dynamics of the mortgage market and improving your bottom line: earning profits in the mortgage business. Subscribers gain insight into operational efficiencies, emerging risks, management issues and other profit drivers. Features data and stories on key trends such as loan performance, housing markets, investors and the credit guarantors. Inside Mortgage Trends is published 25 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $947.
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Inside FHA/VA Lending
This biweekly resource helps mortgage executives grow and manage their government-insured business. Seize the opportunity to increase market share with up-to-date competitive intelligence and exclusive data on the rapidly changing FHA, VA and RHS markets found only in Inside FHA/VA Lending. This newsletter is published 25 times a year and an annual subscription costs $783.
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Mortgage Market Update
This monthly for middle- and senior-level mortgage executives tracks every selling and servicing change from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, FHA, VA, private conduits and mortgage insurers. Each issue covers the important developments in the residential mortgage market, along with how these issues affect business. Offers quarterly analysis of top originators and servicers, covers the ongoing battles surrounding regulation and more. Mortgage Market Update is published 12 times a year. The annual cost of a subscription is $635.
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