Zero-Down Loans a Popular Choice Among Service Members, Veterans
June 1, 2018
The majority of active servicemembers and a significant share of veterans obtained zero downpayment mortgages when purchasing a home, compared to 7 percent of non-military, according to a National Association of Realtors’ 2018 survey of recent active-service, veteran and non-military homebuyers. The 2018 Veterans and Active Military Home Buyers Profile found stark differences among the survey participants’ choice of the location of homes they bought, household composition, size of home and reason to move in the future. In terms of the property location, 31 percent of active-duty service members moved to a different region, compared to 20 percent of veterans and 16 percent of non-military. Approximately 25 percent of active-duty military preferred to move within the same region as did 17 percent of vets and 12 percent of non-military. In addition, the survey found a large percentage of ...