Nonperforming Loan Outcomes Improve in FHFA’s 4th NPL Report
December 15, 2017
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold more than 82,359 nonperforming loans through June 30, 2017, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s fourth report highlighting nonperforming loan sales and borrower outcomes. And close to half the NPLs sold had been resolved. That number is up from the FHFA’s last report, in which 72,502 NPLs had been sold through December 2016. This represents about 10,000 in NPLs sold during the first six months of the year. The latest report shows that NPL sales through June represented a total unpaid principal balance of $16 billion, and had an average current loan-to-value ratio of 97 percent. The average delinquency of pools sold was 3.3 years.