OCC Gives Wells Fargo a Rare ‘Needs to Improve’ CRA Grade
April 10, 2017
Thanks in part to the recent consent order Wells Fargo reached with the CFPB, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency recently gave the top mortgage lender in the U.S. a rare “needs to improve” rating under the Community Reinvestment Act – this despite citing Wells’ overall “outstanding” performance on the lender’s performance examination components, the lender noted. The rating is based on the most recent CRA performance evaluation, which covers the years 2009-2012. The agency referenced the lender’s recent $100 million consent order with the CFPB, and a related action brought by the city and county of Los Angeles that resulted in a $50 million fine, and numerous other enforcement actions. The OCC said the bank’s overall CRA performance ...