FHA’s FY 2016 Forward Portfolio Boosts MMIF’s Value, Capital Reserve Ratio but No Indication of Pricing Change
November 17, 2016
The FHA Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund may be healthy enough to support a cut in forward-mortgage premiums, but officials at the Department of Housing and Urban Development aren’t yet willing to pull the trigger. HUD this week released its annual FHA audit showing strong improvement in the MMI Fund from the forward-mortgage side of the ledger. During a press briefing, Edward Golding, principal deputy assistant secretary for housing, said the strong audit results “do indicate there is room to return pricing to that which reflects the risks in the program.” He noted that the $245 billion in new FHA business in fiscal 2016 clearly added to the strength of the MMI Fund, “with indications we’re pricing above the risk of the program.” At the same time, Golding made...