TRID 2.0 to Expand Exemption That Aids Housing Finance Agencies
August 8, 2016
Another noteworthy part of the CFPB’s TRID 2.0 proposal would extend the applicability of a partial exemption that mainly affects housing finance agencies (HFAs) and nonprofits. The existing rule provides a partial exemption for certain non-interest bearing subordinate-lien transactions that provide downpayment and other homeowner assistance (housing assistance loans). The CFPB said it has learned that the exemption may not be operating as intended. “The bureau has received information that many HFAs are having difficulty finding lenders to partner with in making these loans,” the proposed rule stated. Following the introduction of the TILA/RESPA integrated disclosures, some vendors and loan originator systems no longer support the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act disclosures. “Although the RESPA disclosures are still required for ...