S&P Claimed Top Billing in Rating Non-Mortgage ABS In 1Q16, Fitch Was Most Active in Non-Agency MBS
June 24, 2016
Standard & Poor’s lost a little market share in the business of rating non-mortgage ABS during the first quarter of 2016, but the firm still was the most active player in the market, according to a new ranking by Inside MBS & ABS. S&P rated 58.4 percent of the $41.42 billion of non-mortgage ABS issued in early 2016, down from its 61.5 percent share for all of last year and its 64.1 percent share back in 2014. The company’s strong suit was in vehicle-finance ABS, where it rated 64.7 percent of the market, by dollar volume. While S&P’s share was up slightly in a few categories, its stake in the credit card ABS segment fell...[Includes two data tables]