Coordinated Exams Between CFPB, States Nearly Doubled Last Year
May 31, 2016
There was a significant increase last year in the number of coordinated examinations of non-bank financial services companies between the CFPB and state banking regulators. The number of such exams rose from nine in 2014 to 16 in 2015, the State Coordinating Committee of the Conference of State Bank Supervisors reported recently in its annual report. Examinations that are scheduled between the SCC and the CFPB are performed simultaneously between state regulators and the CFPB. The examinations involve coordinated planning, shared resources, concurrent onsite visits, and sharing of confidential and non-confidential supervisory information, including findings and reports of exam. The SCC also indicated there was “an expansion into new industry types as the CFPB established additional supervision authority by rule.” ...