Inspector General Voices Concern Over HUD’s Ability to Protect MMIF
March 25, 2016
Despite efforts by the Department of Housing and Urban Development to prevent or mitigate fraud, waste and abuse in FHA loan programs, concerns remain about HUD’s resolve to take the necessary actions going forward to protect the FHA insurance fund. Testifying recently during a House appropriations hearing, HUD Inspector General David Montoya said HUD is often hesitant to take strong enforcement actions against lenders. Montoya blames HUD’s tentativeness in carrying out competing mandates of continuing FHA’s role in restoring the housing market and ensuring availability of mortgage credit, and continuing lender participation in the FHA program. For example, he said FHA has been slow in starting claims reviews. “The OIG has repeatedly noted in past audits and other types of lender underwriting reviews HUD’s financial exposure when paying claims on ...