NAR Urges Senate to Support BIll that Limits G-Fee Usage
March 18, 2016
Full Senate to cosponsor a bipartisan bill that aims to make sure guaranty fees from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will not be used for other purposes. Legislation, S.752, was introduced by Sens. Bob Crapo, R-ID and Mark Warner, D-VA, in March 2015, to establish a scorekeeping rule so g-fee increases aren’t going toward offsetting spending that increases the deficit. Tom Salomone, president of the NAR, said any time g-fees are extended, increased and diverted for unrelated spending, homeowners are charged more for their mortgage and taxpayers are exposed to additional long-term risk. He emphasized that the purpose of g-fee revenue is to guard against GSE credit losses and should only be used to protect taxpayers from mortgage losses.