Part 2: All You Wanted to Know About VA’s QM Interim Final Rule
February 12, 2016
On Jan. 20, the Department of Veterans Affairs published a Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQ) guide to its qualified mortgage interim final Rule. We are picking up from where we left off last issue: Will VA still guaranty the loan if the Interest rate Reduction Refinance Loan (IRRRL) does not meet the recoupment period of less than 36 months, or does not meet the six-month seasoning requirements? Yes, VA will guaranty the loan. However, the loan will not have a safe harbor QM status. Instead, it will be a rebuttable presumption QM. VA does not condition the guaranty on satisfaction of all of the QM requirements. Lenders should consult their legal staff regarding safe harbor and rebuttal presumption QMs. What is the date that begins the seasoning and recoupment periods? The date of the note is the date on which legal obligations are established between borrower and lender. Therefore, to calculate the ...