Use of Expense Accounts Brought Trouble Under LO Comp Rule
September 21, 2015
Two nonbank mortgage lenders ran afoul of the CFPB in its enforcement of the loan originator compensation rule, and other lenders would do well to learn from their experiences. During a recent webinar sponsored by Inside Mortgage Finance, an affiliated newsletter, former CFPB official Benjamin Olson, now a partner at the law firm of BuckleySandler, talked about two related enforcement actions the bureau brought against California-based nonbank mortgage lenders, Franklin Loan Corp. in November 2014 and RPM Mortgage, Inc., in June of this year. Both cases zeroed in on the lenders’ use of expense accounts to pay originators’ bonuses and commissions. The practice cost Franklin $730,000 and RPM $19 million. Olson noted the CFPB allegations were based on expense accounts ...