Lenders Worry Manual Data Entry Will Result in TRID Errors
June 1, 2015
Yet another industry concern about the CFPB’s pending TILA/RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) rule has emerged. Technology vendor eLynx, based in Cincinnati, has determined that many lenders will be relying at least in part on manually entered data to create the CFPB-mandated Closing Disclosure (CD) after the Aug. 1, 2015, implementation of the new rule. According to the vendor, lenders are concerned that manual data re-entry will be a major cause of disclosure mistakes when the agency’s TRID rule takes effect. eLynx conducted a survey of the hundreds of lenders and settlement professionals currently using its services. “The results are alarming,” the company said. “Only 6 percent have a fully automated process for collecting property-related data from settlement service providers (SSPs).” ...