Complaints About Student Loans Continue Drifting Downwards
May 4, 2015
Borrower complaints about their student loans continued their apparently inexorable downward momentum, both quarter over quarter and year over year, according to a new analysis by Inside the CFPB of the latest complaint data from the CFPB. Industry wise, consumer gripes fell 11.3 percent QoQ and an even larger 15.7 percent YoY, the data show. Navient, the Sallie Mae spinoff, continues to dominate because of the sheer size of its footprint in the marketplace. Nonetheless, it showed impressive drops of 24.3 percent and 33.0 percent, respectively, for both time periods. Repayment problems continue to represent the lion’s share of the issues about which student-debt borrowers have issues. However, after peaking in the second quarter of 2012, and experiencing another big ...