SEL 2014-15. Dec. 8. Fannie announced expanded loan-to-value ratios for purchase and limited cash-out refinances. The GSE also updated its loan-level price adjustment matrix. The program requires use of Fannie’s Desktop Underwriter version 9.2, which will be implemented over the Dec. 13 weekend. It is available for both MyCommunityMortgage and standard business. For MCM, Fannie now allows borrower reserves to come from gifts. Bulletin 2014-22. Dec. 8. Freddie introduced the Home Possible Advantage product, which allows loan-to-value ratios up to 97 percent under the Home Possible program.The loans can be manually underwritten or processed through Freddie’s Loan Prospector. At least one borrower must get homeownership counseling. The program effective date is March 23, 2015. DU Spring 2015 Update. Dec. 5. ...