FHFA IG Report on Nonbanks Ticks Off Industry; But More ‘Operational Reviews’ Are on the Way
July 24, 2014
As a way to keep a tight grip on counterparty risk, Freddie Mac will start conducting bimonthly “operational reviews of certain specialty servicers” later this year. Not to be outdone, Fannie Mae will also perform such reviews, but only when a seller/servicer reaches a “certain mortgage loan delivery threshold.” The news – contained in a recent report from the Inspector General of the Federal Housing Finance Agency – isn’t likely to warm the hearts of fast growing nonbanks. Both Nationstar Mortgage and Walter Investment Management are mentioned by name in the report, which voices concerns thatsome nonbanks pose a risk to the government-sponsored enterprises because they have “limited financial capacity” to make good on representation and warranty contracts. Nationstar and Walter are...