HUD to Auction $4.8 Billion in Nonperforming Loans
May 23, 2014
The Department of Housing and Urban Development is planning to auction $4.8 billion of nonperforming single-family mortgage loans in two offerings under the FHA Single Family Loan Sale (SFLS) initiative. The auction – HUD SFLS 2014-2 – will be next month. A national offering of roughly 23,200 loans totaling $4 billion in unpaid principal balance is scheduled for a bid on June 11. The second part of the auction is an offering of 4,800 loans totaling $800 million in UPB in designated geographic areas that are aimed at a neighborhood stabilization outcome or “NSO-targeted” loan pools. Bidding will be on June 25. The eight NSO regions for the June offering are Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, Philadelphia, San Antonio, San Bernardino County, CA, and Cumberland County., NJ. SEBA Professional Services, a woman-owned contracting firm, has ...