New Surveys Reveal Concerns, Confusion Remain Over ATR/QM
May 23, 2014
Qualified mortgage guidelines under the CFPB’s ability-to-repay rule were among the top 10 issues identified as problem areas likely affecting home selling, according to a new Campbell Surveys study sponsored by Inside Mortgage Finance, an affiliated newsletter. Among real estate agents surveyed, 26.4 percent cited QM guidelines as an obstacle. “Due to the new Dodd Frank guidelines, fewer buyers will be qualified to purchase homes, which will ultimately affect my livelihood as well,” one Realtor said. Another commenter said, “QRM [qualified residential mortgage] and QM guidelines are already causing issues for some buyers,” even though the QRM has yet to be finalized. “Lenders won’t pre-approve but only pre-qualify. Buyers are frustrated even with good credit scores and good ratios.” A...