SFIG to Take Another Whack at Standardized Reps and Warrants in Effort to Attract Non-Agency MBS Investors
January 24, 2014
The Structured Finance Industry Group announced this week that it will convene a taskforce to establish standardized representations and warranties for new non-agency MBS. The Project RMBS 3.0 effort will involve a wide variety of industry participants in an effort to attract investors to non-agency MBS. If the effort sounds familiar, thats because the American Securitization Forum issued benchmark reps and warrants in 2009 as part of its Project Restart initiative. We want to resolve these issues once and for all, said Eric Kaplan, managing director of Shellpoint Partners and one of the leaders of Project RMBS 3.0, during this weeks ABS Vegas conference sponsored by the SFIG and Information Management Network. He said...