Investors Unhappy With How the Non-Agency Jumbo MBS Market Currently Functions
October 4, 2013
Reforms seen in the new era of non-agency jumbo MBS issuance arent enough to prompt significant investor participation, according to John Gidman, president of the Association of Institutional Investors. At a hearing this week by the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, Gidman and others called for a number of changes to the non-agency market. The fundamental structural and process weaknesses for non-agency residential MBS securitization have not been fixed in the current private-label securities market, Gidman said. The issuance process itself is very opaque. Ratings continue to be shopped, issuers are still incentivized to water down representations and warranties, and continued variability in structures and documentation make the market more challenging for investors and raise the costs of funding. He acknowledged...