Lower Loan Limit Would Keep Most of Agency MBS Sector Intact, Slow Prepayment Rates
September 27, 2013
The loan limit reduction under consideration by the Federal Housing Finance Agency wouldnt have a major impact on the volume of agency MBS issuance, but industry analysts say prepayment rates on outstanding agency MBS could slow. Mortgages with loan balances greater than $417,000 accounted for 7.9 percent of the $327.76 billion in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac production in the second quarter of 2013. And mortgages with balances of between $400,000 and $417,000 accounted for a 7.2 percent share, though a significant portion of those originations were in areas with high-cost loan limits and would likely still be eligible for sale to the government-sponsored enterprises. Analysts at Barclays Capital said...