One Year Later, FHFA Quiet About Its Plans For Proposed Five-State Guaranty Fee Hike
September 19, 2013
Although Fannie Maes and Freddie Macs regulator has previously telegraphed additional increases in the government-sponsored enterprises guaranty fees sometime this year, it remains to be seen when or whether the Federal Housing Finance Agency will follow through on its 12-month-old proposal to charge higher g-fees on loans in states with slow foreclosure processes. One year ago this week, the FHFA solicited public comments on a proposal to adjust the single-family g-fee that the GSEs charge in five states with unusually slow foreclosure times. The five states Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey and New York would be subject to an additional upfront fee of between 15 and 30 basis points charged to lenders. The FHFA has said...