Retroactive Losses on Non-Agency MBS From Principal Forbearance Continuing
August 9, 2013
Some servicers have retroactively applied losses to non-agency MBS from principal forbearance completed long ago even after suggesting that such losses were unlikely. Analysts warn that further losses are likely, at the expense of investors in the senior tranches of non-agency MBS. In May, some 170 non-agency MBS serviced by Ocwen Financial took combined losses of more than $1.0 billion due to accounting for principal forbearance that occurred before July 2012. The retroactive losses should have been reported at the time of the loan modification, according to guidelines for the Home Affordable Modification Program. The losses were included in remittance reports for May after servicing on the deals transferred from Homeward Residential to Ocwen. Later, 231 non-agency MBS serviced by Nationstar Mortgage took...