For-Profit College Drop-Out Rates are Increasing, And Thats Bad for Student Loan Securitizations
August 10, 2012
A recent Congressional report confirms theres been a jump in the drop-out rates for students at for-profit colleges, and thats bad news for investors in the securitizations backed by loans to these students, according to market analysts. A two-year investigation by the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions demonstrated that federal taxpayers are investing billions of dollars a year $32 billion in the most recent year in companies that operate for-profit colleges, said a report by the committee. Yet, more than half of the students who enrolled in those colleges in 2008-09 left without a degree or diploma within a median of four months. That compares with 46 percent in a study by the Department of Education of a 2003-04 cohort, which itself reflected...