ASF, SIFMA Launch Salvos at Eminent Domain Plan, CA County Defends Its Consideration of Options
July 20, 2012
Securitization representatives are forcefully pushing back against a proposal under review by three jurisdictions in California to use eminent domain to seize performing, underwater mortgages out of non-agency MBS pools, renegotiate them on terms more favorable to the borrowers, and repackage and sell them off to another group of private investors. Last Friday, a joint powers authority created by San Bernardino County and two of its cities, Ontario and Fontana, formally convened for the first time for an organizational meeting. Two groups that represent the securitization industry, the American Securitization Forum and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, expressed their opposition during the meeting. The ASF said that this inappropriate use of government power, which is based on a plan by San Francisco-based Mortgage Resolution Partners, a private investment firm, was designed...