Bank of Americas 2008 purchase of Countrywide Financial Corp. continues to be an albatross around BofAs neck, with U.S. Bancorp. filing suit against the largest lender in the land to compel it to repurchase mortgages sold by Countrywide back in 2005. U.S. Bancorp, which filed the lawsuit as a trustee on behalf of several unnamed investors, alleges breaches of representations and warranties, claiming Countrywide disregarded its own mortgage underwriting guidelines when it issued the loans at the center of the dispute. The 4,000 mortgages involved originally totaled $1.75 billion in principal. Countrywide agreed to buy back the loans within 90 days of the purchase date if any of the statements made in the loan contract were untrue, including an assertion that the loans complied with the banks underwriting guidelines, according to the complaint.