The New HOEPA Rules audio conference (E1) CD + Special Report (price with shipping elsewhere)
Product Details

This audio conference was held on February 28, 2008.
Problems in the mortgage market have brought outcries for more laws and regulations. The Federal Reserve just took the first big step, as it unveiled long-awaited proposed rules establishing a barrage of new consumer protections under the Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act (HOEPA).
This biggest mortgage regulation in two decades addresses practices in origination, loan terms, servicing and advertising—and the rules apply to all lenders, not just those examined and supervised by the Federal Reserve.
Essentially all the recent guidelines on nontraditional and subprime lending will become regulations—and much more—and with more specific requirements. The new rules will likely be put in place this year. You need to know about these changes: How disruptive will they be to your business? Which actions will impact you most?
Hear from a panel of experts:
- Paul Mondor, Attorney, Division of Consumer and Community Affairs, Board of Governors, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM, will discuss the new rules and what the Fed expects from the industry;
- Donald C. Lampe, Partner, WOMBLE CARLYLE SANDRIDGE & RICE, will discuss the meaning and ramifications of the new rules;
- Laurence E. Platt, Practice Area Leader, K&L GATES, will discuss the legal issues and how the mortgage market will be affected;
- Guy Cecala, Publisher, INSIDE MORTGAGE FINANCE, will moderate.
This audio conference covered...
- The new consumer protections for “higher-priced mortgage loans.”
- The expansion of early TILA disclosures to cover other mortgages in addition to purchase money loans.
- Which servicing practices will be prohibited under the new rules.
- The biggest legal challenges facing your business.
- The proposal that bars lenders from disregarding a borrower’s ability to repay.
- The new requirements for prepayment penalties.
- The seven misleading or deceptive advertising practices that would be banned under the proposal.
- New conditions for the use of yield-spread premiums.
- How the Fed will work with other federal agencies to implement and enforce the new rules.
Your Audio Conference Package Includes:
For questions or to order by phone, call (800) 570-5744 or (301) 951-1240.