Commercial banks posted a surprising increase in MBS holdings during the fourth quarter, while foreign investors, money managers, life insurers and credit unions also grew their portfolios. (Includes three data tables.)
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The Structured Finance Association, which is developing a compliance tool to facilitate uniformity in the non-agency MBS market on QM standards, has run into a vexing issue regarding the definition of a QM.
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Angel Oak Capital Partners introduced an investment program tailored to increase insurance company investments in non-agency whole loans and securitizations.
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The mortgage industry keeps pining for a rate cut but so far the Fed has resisted. This week, a hotter-than-anticipated CPI reading stalled momentum on the rate front and MBS prices headed lower.
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Lenders typically hedge loans by short selling the type of security those loans will eventually go into. However, if the market for that security is unattractive, they can cross-hedge into better performing markets if their pricing movement correlates with the loans.
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