Nearly all the top bank MBS investors reported gains in the value of their portfolios during the fourth quarter, but values remain well below amortized cost. Ginnie MBS saw the biggest gain. (Includes two data tables.)
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Issuance of GSE Supers MBS remained elevated in the fourth quarter, although down significantly from the previous period. Ginnie remains king of the agency REMIC market. (Includes two data tables.)
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Secondary market prices are firming up for non-QM whole loans, but there is chatter among investors that early-stage delinquencies are on the rise. A blip on the radar screen or something else?
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Issuance of home-improvement securitizations came in at $3.5 billion in 2023, according to Kroll Bond Rating Agency. Some of that volume was in privately-rated deals that haven’t been disclosed to this point.
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The potential merger of the two credit card companies will result in significant consolidation in bank credit card portfolios and a new market leader.
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The AAA-rated credit card ABS was issued by WF Card Issuance Trust, a de-linked credit card receivables-backed trust sponsored by Wells Fargo.
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