Top 15 ranking by volume serviced. Includes total UPB serviced, co-issuance UPB serviced, number of co-issuance sellers, share of servicer's volume from unaffiliated sellers, and market share for overall servicing and co-issuance.
Top 15 ranking by volume serviced. Includes total UPB serviced, co-issuance UPB serviced, number of co-issuance sellers, share of servicer's volume from unaffiliated sellers, and market share for overall servicing and co-issuance.
Top 15 ranking by volume serviced. Includes total UPB serviced, co-issuance UPB serviced, number of co-issuance sellers, share of servicer's volume from unaffiliated sellers, and market share for overall servicing and co-issuance.
Top 20 ranking by volume serviced. Includes total UPB serviced, co-issuance UPB serviced, number of co-issuance sellers, share of servicer's volume from unaffiliated sellers, and market share for overall servicing and co-issuance.