Top 50 sellers of government-guaranteed mortgages to unaffiliated non-agency buyers. Total volume is broken down by guarantor - FHA, VA and the USDA Rural Housing Service. Additional columns show government loans sold as a percentage of total government origination as well as a percentage of overall total origination.
Top 50 sellers to unaffiliated non-agency buyers by dollar volume. Breakouts by buyer type. Includes share of seller's total government originations and share of total originations.
Top 50 sellers to unaffiliated non-agency buyers by dollar volume. Breakouts by buyer type. Includes share of seller's total jumbo originations and share of total originations.
Top 50 sellers to unaffiliated non-agency buyers by dollar volume. Breakouts by buyer type. Includes share of seller's total jumbo originations and share of total originations.
Top 100 ranking, based on HMDA data. Breaks out agency and non-agency sales. Subbreakdowns in non-agency category by purchaser type. Also includes lender's total originations.
Top 100 ranking, based on HMDA data. Breaks out agency and non-agency sales. Subbreakdowns in non-agency category by purchaser type. Also includes lender's total originations.