Market-level data. Dollar volume of holding. Breakouts for GSE pass-throughs, GNMA pass-throughs, private MBS, agency CMO, and private CMO as well as total holdings for banks and for thrifts. Quarterly numbers beginning 2019.
Market-level data. Dollar volume of holding. Breakouts for GSE pass-throughs, GNMA pass-throughs, private MBS, agency CMO, and private CMO as well as total holdings for banks and for thrifts. Quarterly numbers beginning 2019.
Dollar volume of mortgage-backed securities holdings by banks. Breakouts for held-to-maturity amortized cost and fair value with same for available-for-sale MBS. Includes total of fair value less amortized cost with breakouts for HTM and AFS.
Dollar volume of mortgage-backed securities holdings by banks. Breakouts for held-to-maturity amortized cost and fair value with same for available-for-sale MBS. Includes total of fair value less amortized cost with breakouts for HTM and AFS.
Dollar volume of MRS holdings. Breakouts for agency and non-agency, for pass-through MBS holdings (GNMA, GSE and private) and CMO/REMICs (with subbreakouts for private and agency).
Dollar volume of MRS holdings. Breakouts for agency and non-agency, for pass-through MBS holdings (GNMA, GSE and private) and CMO/REMICs (with subbreakouts for private and agency).
Dollar volume of MRS holdings. Breakouts for agency and non-agency, for pass-through MBS holdings (GNMA, GSE and private) and CMO/REMICs (with subbreakouts for private and agency).
Dollar volume of MRS holdings. Breakouts for agency and non-agency, for pass-through MBS holdings (GNMA, GSE and private) and CMO/REMICs (with subbreakouts for private and agency).