Its not a surprise that FHFA has been quiet about its not-overly popular state-level g-fee proposal, according to Robert Bostrom, a shareholder at the law firm of Greenberg Traurig and a former general counsel at Freddie Mac.
Freddie Mac had been lending Fed Funds (overnight loans) to Lehman Brothers since 2005. Then, in 2008, the nature of those loans changed to longer term borrowings.
Fannie Mae has yet to implement a red flag system to identify trends and data anomalies for servicer reimbursements, according to a new report from the FHFA Inspector General.
The program is intended to provide smaller mortgage lenders that lack direct access to the secondary mortgage market with another option for their home buying customers.
Last month, senior staff from the Senate Banking Committee met with various industry stakeholders including trade associations, consumer groups and academics to hear their thoughts on housing finance reform and the fate of the GSEs.