Ten Democratic lawmakers, led by Senate Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee Chair Sherrod Brown, want HUD and the CFPB to investigate Navy Federal Credit Union over fair lending concerns.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development watchdog in its fiscal 2024 priority recommendation report had 819 open recommendations for the agency.
Former FHA Commissioner David Stevens dies at 66; NAAHL names Sarah Brundage CEO; Ginnie hosts state housing agencies at roundtable; Ginnie files motion to dismiss TCB lawsuit; OCC to host appraisal bias hearing; and other news.
Ginnie Mae is exploring a new reverse MBS to provide a new form of liquidity to issuers with home equity conversion mortgages above the 98% maximum claim amount.
The federal government last week filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit by Texas Capital Bank against Ginnie Mae for eliminating TCB’s interest in the home equity conversion mortgages of bankrupt Reverse Mortgage Funding.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge called on Congress to increase housing supply through preservation efforts, financing incentives and other means.
The imposition of a fair-access requirement in the guidance could turn out to be a controversial issue. The Department of Financial Services has not determined an implementation deadline, though.
Changes to the Ginnie Mae program were included among 35 priority recommendations for fiscal 2024 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Inspector General.