Researchers at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York tracked the recovery of borrowers who foreclosed in 2008 and borrowers with similar characteristics but who did not foreclose.
Congress should consider legislation to allow Ginnie Mae to expand its pass-through assistance program to give nonbanks a liquidity backstop, according to the Financial Stability Oversight Council.
With banking regulators considering how to revise their Basel III endgame proposal, the U.S. Mortgage Insurers stressed that regulators should look more favorably on loans with private MI.
The flow of refinance loans into the Ginnie MBS program dropped 9.2% in April. Still, year-to-date refi volume in the government-insured market was up a solid 54.4%. (Includes two data tables.)
A lender’s reconsideration of valuation process must include disclosure to the borrower at the point of a loan application and again when the borrower receives the appraisal.