Some 13.8% of the total number of applications for conventional-conforming mortgages submitted last year were denied, compared to 14.3% in 2022. Denials for refinances jumped. (Includes data table.)
While overall correspondent sales to unaffiliated non-agency buyers declined in 2023, Veterans United increased its sales volume. (Includes data table.)
Delinquency rates were down for all three government agencies and in every late payment category during the early months of 2024. (Includes data table.)
While mortgages with primary insurance coverage included in agency mortgage-backed securities declined in the first quarter overall, VA refi volume jumped. (Includes two data tables.)
The share of higher-risk lending going to the GSEs expanded slightly in the first quarter, but high-credit score mortgages continued to dominate business at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (Includes two data tables.)
The retail channel lost some ground across all three loan product categories. In the conventional-conforming market, the retail share went from 38.8% in the third quarter to 38.2% in the fourth quarter. (Includes two data tables.)