Francois Grunenwald, Ocwen's new SVP and CAO, is a graduate of the University of Paris. His signing bonus (just for taking the job) is $100,000. He joins the nation’s 12th largest servicer from PricewaterhouseCoopers…
Two questions – one about language preference and another about homeownership education and housing counseling – will be removed from the GSE application.
Fannie and Freddie reported lower combined comprehensive income in the second quarter compared with a year ago. While net interest income and non-interest income declined, expenses shot up.
The successful launch of the single security — more than $9.5 trillion in UMBS has traded through the end of July — may pave the way for broader housing-finance reform, according to researchers at the Urban Institute.
“Patch” loans, cash-out refinances, investment loans and second family homes constitute more than 50% of the dollar volume of Fannie and Freddie MBS issuance.
Who says the stock market isn't receptive to mortgage companies these days? Don't tell that to New Rez and Sachem. Meanwhile, the MSR bulk auction market is springing to life once again.