Bank of America Selling $22 Billion of Ginnie Mae MSRs August 14, 2013 Paul Muolo If you thought that Bank of America was done selling mortgage servicing rights, think again.Read More
Short Takes: Going, Going, Gone: GSE Buybacks? / CapWest Enters the Wholesale Arena / Redwood About to Reward Its Executives? / The Terrible Twos for the CFPB / Fannie Mae Hired Someone It Was Suing August 14, 2013 Paul Muolo and Thomas Ressler It would appear that the GSE buyback scourge may be winding down. Meanwhile, Fannie Mae has egg on its face over someone it hired.Read More
FHFA Hires Spencer Stuart for Common Securitization Platform CEO Search August 13, 2013 Paul Muolo FHFA has handed over a list of CEO candidates to Spencer Stuart, which bills itself as an international recruiting firm with 54 offices in 29 countries. Read More
Wells Fargo Continues Retail Domination, Chase a Distant Second August 13, 2013 Paul Muolo Over the rest of the decade will any lender be able to challenge Wells Fargo's dominance in the retail channel? A new ranking suggests not.Read More
Four Banks Contemplating Nonprime Warehouse Lines? August 13, 2013 Paul Muolo Is the warehouse market about to open up to select hard money lenders? Perhaps, but it won't be a tidal wave.Read More
Short Takes: CashCall Sued by NY AG but Not Over Mortgages / Sen. Jack Reed Shows Some Love for the GSEs / QRM Coming Soon? / ASF Tells Servicers to Reject Eminent Domain Offers / Trailer Park Loans Get an Appraisal Break August 13, 2013 George Brooks and Paul Muolo CashCall may be in trouble with New York State. So, where's Senator Reed's GSE bill?Read More
With Refis Tanking, Can CashCall Get Sold? August 12, 2013 Paul Muolo As refinancings continue to fall, lenders that specialize in such loans will see their franchise values drop dramatically. Read More
Bulk Market Continues to Spit Out MSR Offerings August 12, 2013 Paul Muolo Investors searching for residential servicing rights can take a run at new offerings from Interactive Mortgage Advisors and MIAC, among others.Read More
Short Takes: At Least Harry Reid Likes the GSEs / Uncle Sam Takes In More Revenue, Thanks to Fannie and Freddie / Greenlight Earned How Much Last Year? / HSBC Official Joins Mortgage Master / Calling All Warehouse Lenders August 12, 2013 Paul Muolo Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid appears to have come out in support of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. But will other elected officials follow suit?Read More
Fannie Earns $10.1 Billion in 2Q, Could 'Repay' Treasury by Year-end August 8, 2013 Paul Muolo and Charles Wisniowski In other words, if Fannie keeps earning money at this rate, it could repay its debt to Treasury by year-end or the first quarter of next year.Read More