Mortgage executives are praying that even though eminent domain plans have been talked about and brought to a vote in a handful of cities, that it never gets used.
Morgan Stanley notes: The agreement in principle is subject to final approvals by the parties. In connection with the settlement, the company will record an addition to legal reserves of $150 million, which will have the impact of reducing income..."
The nations third largest FHA servicer also admitted that it failed to inform the government mortgage insurers when its own internal reviews discovered more than 500 defective loans that never should have been submitted for coverage.
According to company correspondence provided to Inside Mortgage Finance, Green Tree's target date for exiting the wholesale/broker channel is mid-April.
Federal regulators have, for all intents and purposes, completed their work on the qualified residential mortgage standard. This means the final rules release could be imminent.
The HUD chief told Hispanic real estate professionals that in todays market, mortgage credit is too hard to obtain for consumers with low credit scores.
The starting salary for the CEO is said to be about $450,000 plus benefits, which is roughly double what the new director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, Mel Watt, earns.