HUD announces 2025 loan limits; FHA finalizes cyber incident reporting requirement updates; UWM removes LLPA for government loans; and more news in brief.
Lenders originated $112.67 billion of FHA and VA loans in the third quarter — the highest quarterly volume for the government loan programs since the second quarter of 2022. (Includes three data tables.)
FHA Commissioner Julia Gordon said it is probably time to consider FHA pricing adjustments. However, any decisions may need to wait until the next administration comes in. (Includes data table.)
Stanley Middleman, founder and CEO of Freedom Mortgage, said the next administration’s approach for FHA and VA should be “if it’s not broken, why fix it?”
Speakers at the AEI Housing Center’s annual conference said the biggest negative of first-time homebuyer assistance policy is pushing borrowers to buy before they’re ready.
Trump nominates Doug Collins as VA secretary; VA proposes revisions to loan loss reporting requirements; USDA to update technical handbook; HUD extends compliance deadline for rule on modernizing engagement with borrowers in default.