CSBS scaling back proposed standards for large nonbank servicers; SFA offers disclosures for non-agency MBS performance; non-agency forbearance increases; non-agency mortgage conduit launches; Redwood invests in finance company involved in SFR/bridge lending; PCMA expanding geographically.
The impairment rate on securitized non-QMs hit 11.1% at the end of February. At the end of 2020, the rate stood at 10.3% after months of steady improvement.
Legal analysts say the bureau’s across-the-board delay on foreclosure starts could face legal challenges. Meanwhile, consumer advocates call for more stringent requirements.
The investment-property lender boosted income in 4Q20 with a whole-loan sale. The firm is also planning to issue an MBS backed by recently funded loans in 2Q21.
Nonprime servicing portfolios fell by 0.7% in 4Q20 and 4.1% year-over-year. But Select Portfolio Servicing boosted its receivables during the year. (Includes data chart.)
Bank and thrift first-lien holdings declined by 1.2% at the end of 2020, marking the first quarterly drop since the first quarter of 2017. The three largest banks reduced their holdings in the fourth quarter. (Includes data chart.)
In the span of two days, Chase offered a first-of-its-kind risk-sharing transaction involving non-qualified mortgages and two prime non-agency MBS, including one with a balance of $1.10 billion.
The QM patch was scheduled to end July 1, but the timeline has been delayed as a Biden CFPB considers its options. The bureau might also revoke the newly-created category of seasoned QMs.
The volume of jumbo servicing handled by 30 of the top firms in the sector declined by nearly 6% in 2020. The share of borrowers missing payments is increasing. (Includes data chart.)