Changes to the pricing grids of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac last May created a natural experiment for researchers to study how changes to guarantee fees impact the housing market.
Experienced appraisers combine flood disclosure information and local knowledge to provide appraisal values that reflect the underlying risk to the property. And less-experienced appraisers were found to assign higher property values to homes in flood areas.
The jump in refinance business, and a shift from cash-out to rate-term transactions, changed the credit-risk profile for Fannie and Freddie in the fourth quarter.
The quality control team at Fannie Mae identified “red flags” that could indicate borrowers have mischaracterized whether they’re seeking a mortgage for a primary residence or for a second home or investment property.
Six of the top 10 significant defects in loans acquired by Fannie Mae in the first quarter of this year weren’t on the list in the last quarter of 2023. Income calculation, though remained at the top of the list.
Sellers to the GSEs sold a larger share of new single-family mortgages with lower credit scores in the third quarter of 2024. But they also in-creased deliveries of mortgages with lower loan-to-value ratios. (Includes two data tables.)
Purchase mortgages continued to dominate deliveries to the GSEs in the second quarter and the share of purchase mortgages with credit scores of 740 or above increased compared with the first quarter. (Includes two data tables.)
Defects related to liabilities on student loans, income/employment verification and the appraisal process topped the list of items Fannie warns lenders to keep alert for.
The share of higher-risk lending going to the GSEs expanded slightly in the first quarter, but high-credit score mortgages continued to dominate business at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. (Includes two data tables.)